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Our Expertise

Our firm served as an architectural consultant for justice planning and design for the new 84-bed juvenile detention complex and juvenile court facility located in a residential district of Hartford, Connecticut.

Project services included:

  • Development of the facility’s functional criteria
  • Full space program
  • Staffing requirements
  • Development of options for organizing space within and between the two facilities (blocking and stacking)
  • Providing preliminary cost estimates of each option
  • Layouts of proposed family courtrooms and housing pods

The options our firm developed helped address the following issues: public, detainee, and staff circulation within and between the two facilities; a feasible construction phasing plan that would enable the existing facility to remain in operation during construction; and minimizing vertical circulation of detainees within the youth detention facility.

Project Details

Hartford, CT
Connecticut Judicial Department
$18.7 Million
58,000 SF