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Our firm was selected to design the new 1,500-bed Denver Detention Center. Located in downtown Denver, the new detention center is conceived as the extension of the civic core that includes the historic State Capitol, the City/County Building and the United States Mint.

The new 439,000-square-foot facility is designed to speed time from arrest to arraignment. It includes central booking for all of the Denver Police Department, two new arraignment courtrooms that operate virtually around the clock to process new arrestees, and a variety of housing units specially designed to accommodate the characteristics of the short-term pre-trial population.

The Denver Detention Center also includes a medical unit for triage, treatment and long-stay care, a full kitchen, and staff services. Most services are provided on the housing unit to minimize inmate movement. Program space is dedicated for each unit with the additional provision of shared space.

The detention center is LEED Silver Certified and was a recipient of a 2012 AIA/AAJ Certificate of Merit.

Project Details

Denver, CO
Denver County, CO
$157 Million
439,000 SF
Hartman-Cox Architects
OZ Architecture